
Section: IV. ADSV - 207
Approved By: Dr. Ivan Harrell, 06/25/19
Last Review: 06/25/19  
Last Revision: 02/23/10, 07/11/11
Prior Revisions: 02/18/04
Initial Adoption: Unknown



如果获得豁免的员工被解雇或选择离开获得豁免的职位, 主席有权选择重新指派,而不是解雇 exempt employee. This option is provided to the President for the following reasons:

  1. 允许校长在重组学院管理方面具有灵活性 without dismissing an exempt employee.
  2. 允许被豁免的员工被重新分配为学术员工 exempt appointment. An exempt employee reassigned to an academic position, shall be 在学术员工工资表上,有经验的全额学分(豁免) 和学术相关)和学术准备,并应保留所有的资历权利 and accrued benefits.
  3. 鼓励合格的学术雇员接受豁免任命,确保 教务人员有权返回原工作岗位 request to do so.
  4. To allow compliance with the provisions of RCW 28B.50.860, which states that an academic 员工,在被任命为豁免任命后,应被允许保留她/他的 academic employee tenure.

如果要重新分配豁免雇员,总裁应给予 following notice in writing:

  1. 在重新转让生效日期前三十(30)天,如果新的转让 is at the same level (or higher) and at the same salary (or higher).
  2. 在重新转让生效日期前九十(90)天,如果新的转让 工资水平较低或者被调任到教学,咨询, or other non-administrative position.
  3. 在重新分配的生效日期前三十(30)天,当大学理事会 has declared a financial emergency.



如有正式豁免雇员被解雇,由总统 shall give not less than the following notice in writing:

  1. 在离职通知生效日之前的九十(90)天通知 separation. 任何情况下都可以作出辞退雇员的决定 离职的理由和通知不需要包括决定的依据 to separate.
  2. 终止生效日期前三十(30)天的解雇通知,当 雇员在聘期结束前因事由被解雇.
  3. 离职生效日期前三十(30)天的离职通知 根据董事会的声明,该员工因财务状况紧急而被解雇 在支持任命的资金来源运作时出现财政紧急情况 美元,或资金来源发出的资金即将结束的通知 支持该职位的资金为特殊合同、赠款或非经营性资金.

临时免职员工不需要通知离职或解雇 completing their temporary appointment. In the event a temporary exempt employee’s 委任须在临时委任完成前终止; 对该职位具有监督和预算权限的学院行政人员 shall give not less than the following notice in writing:

  • 离职生效日期前十五(15)天通知 当员工因常规任命而离职时 to the position.
  • 在终止生效日期前三十(30)天通知解雇 雇员在聘任期间因事由被解雇.
  • 终止生效日期前三十(30)天的离职通知 当员工因财务紧急而被解雇时,在董事会之后 宣布财政紧急情况时,说明支持任命的资金来源 是营运资金,还是遵循资金来源的通知 当支持该职位的资金为特殊合同、赠款或非经营性资金时结束 dollars.


An exempt employee may resign from service at any time. In order to remain in good 与学院站在一起,豁免员工必须提供不少于以下内容 written notice to his/her appointing authority:

  • 主管或行政雇员-至少28个日历日的辞职通知 prior to the effective date of resignation. Executive and administrative employees 鼓励并应在不少于90个日历日的时间内提供通知 possible.
  • 专业员工-辞职前至少14个日历日的通知 the effective date of resignation. Professional employees are encouraged to and should provide not less than 30 calendar days notice whenever possible.
  • 经委任机构双方同意,可豁免通知规定 and the affected employee.

在向委任机构收到书面辞职通知后 学院将以书面形式确认辞职.

The resigning employee does not have any rights to withdraw a resignation; however 任命机关可允许在任何时候提前撤回辞呈 to the effective date of the resignation.


本政策的目的是提供有关重新分配的指导和信息 或终止豁免雇员,或豁免雇员辞职.

To Whom Does This Policy Apply



Board Policy Manual Ch V - Personnel

理事会第75-6号决议:行政和学术人员的委任权 Civil Service Employment RCW 28B.50.860 – Faculty Tenure – Tenure Retained Upon Administrative Appointment.

Administrative Policy ADSV 201 – Appointments


Appointment -雇员被聘用时的职位,但聘用后的职位除外 to which an employee is assigned.

